Extended Unit Converter

After constantly using a calculator to convert between Ether units i thought it would neat to implement the EthereumJS-Units library and BigNumber library on a website for everyone to use. There is a simple and full converter page, since the majority wouldn't bother for any other units than Ether, Gwei and Wei.

  • Wei
    (factor: 0)
  • Kwei / Babbage / Femtoether
    (factor: 3)
  • Mwei / Lovelace / Picoether
    (factor: 6)
  • Gwei / Shannon / Nanoether / Nano
    (factor: 9)
  • Szabo / Microether/ Micro
    (factor: 12)
  • Finney / Milliether / Milli
    (factor: 15)
  • Ether
    (factor: 18)
  • Kether / Grand
    (factor: 21)
  • Mether
    (factor: 24)
  • Gether
    (factor: 27)
  • Tether
    (factor: 30)
  • Total Price
    (2610.6 $ Per Ether)
    $ 0.00
As featured in